Abort the Court Ritual Kit

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Abort the Court Ritual Kit


I’d planned an entirely different kit for July, but when the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade came down, I knew I needed to change those plans and offer something that would help witches channel our rage and fear into action. I knew I wanted something with bite, something that would feel a little scary to work with, and something that would help to overcome this feeling of impotence that so many of us are feeling right now. This is my offering to this moment of madness. Rage on witches.

The total value of your kit is $123.

10% of every Abort the Court ritual kit will go to Planned Parenthood. Thank you for supporting them with your purchase.

Your kit includes:

-A handmade black cotton flannel poppet. Your poppet is filled with rice and is 100% biodegradable, so when you’re ready to bury, burn, or cast it into water, it will not harm the environment. Poke it, scream at it, bind it, throw it at the wall. Go crazy witch.

-Lemon Verbena and Rosemary Handrolled Ritual Incense. Made of all natural ingredients. Lemon Verbena is commonly used in hexes and rosemary is used in exorcisms. Smells pretty, packs a punch.

-Handmade Incense Holder from Paul Atwell, a talented ceramicist and entomologist artist. Each incense holder is unique and showcases Paul’s beautiful glazing techniques. You’ll receive black, natural, or green.

-Abort the Court Hex Powder. Made specifically for this kit, this is gnarly stuff. It contains asafoetida, the absolute worst smelling herb I know of and the best for working up a nasty spell. Also contains casmiri and cayenne chilies so use caution when handling. I wear gloves. If you’re dressing a candle with the Hex Powder, please be in a well ventilated space. If you’re burning as incense, do it outdoors. Seriously.

-Abort the Court Black Ritual Pillar Candle. Hand poured beeswax tinted with plant dye, this candle is perfect for inscribing with sigils, symbols, names, etc. I love dressing them with ritual oil, rolling in herbs, and burning for 7 days for spells that need more energy and benefit from prolonged working. Burns about 13 hours. Please use candle safety measures and do not leave unattended.

-Wormwood and Rosemary Dried Organic Herb. These are from my garden and two of my favorite plants to ally with. Make an oil with them, or grind them up and make a powder to use in spell sachets or to dress candles.

-Honey Locust Thorns. Harvested locally, these are my favorite tool for for inscribing candles, drawing a drop of blood for a working, or adding to a baneful ritual oil

-War Water. This is my regional version based on plants that grow here in Texas. I foraged or grew many of the ingredients, added fiery habaneros and my homegrown wormwood along with a few secret ingredients, added a rusted railroad tie and crooked nails and let it marinate for a few months. You’ll need to add your own urine. I suggest placing a photo of each of 5 Supreme Court justices that we’re targeting into a jar, spitting and peeing into it, adding spiky bits and poisonous plants and adding the war water. The rest is up to you. Get nasty.

-Banish and Protect Black Ritual Salt. This will turn your bathtub black, so maybe skip the bath and place it on your altar to absorb the weird energy that comes calling when we work curses and hexes. You can also dissolve it into distilled water and spray it in your ritual space. This is your reminder to cleanse and shield before and after doing dirty work.

-Ritual Oil. You’ll receive either Saturn, Mars, or Banishing ritual oil. You can add any of the three to your war water jar, dress candles, put it on your poppet or anoint yourself with it.

-Iron Coffin Nails. I commissioned these from a black smith this spring, not knowing what I wanted them for, but like a lot of the things that come to me, a purpose is eventually revealed. You nail your poppet to something to bind it, add them to your war water, or charge them during your ritual and carry as a talisman.

-Red and Black Cord. Use to bind or work a little knot magick.

Happy fruitful cursing and hexing!

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